Friday, January 06, 2006


Wow, I just remembered that I have a blog, and it's been about three months since I updated it.
Don't worry, readers, you haven't missed much.
It was school, school, work, and school for awhile there, and I had no energy for anything else. I'm on winter break now, and catching up on my zzzz's and the rest of my life. Right now I'm busy with new year's cleaning (out with the old dust bunnies and junk mail, in with the new).
I vaguely remember having some resolutions last year, so let's see how well I kept 'em:
1) Learn to crochet.
I made it under the wire for this one. I figured out how to do a crochet border on a knitted piece a day or two before the deadline.
2) Finish all abandoned knitting projects (I have at least 5 going right now).
I think I'm down to two abandoned ones, and one I'm starting up again soon.
3) Drink more water, and cut back further on soda.
Done and done. I'm down to about one soda a month.
4) Start experimenting with dying yarn at home.
er, forgot about this one.
5) Work on my sewing skills (they're really pathetic as of now, so this one won't be too difficult).
I took a crappy summer class, which I dropped out of, but at least I leaned how to operate the dang machine. I'm continuing my education by experience.
6) Eat more fruits and veggies (obligatory health-related resolution).
7) Acquire permanent job.
Sweet success. The cherry on top is being named employee of the quarter. Woot!

Results? 4 1/2 victories and 2 1/2 sunk ships. Yes!!! 2005 was not a total failure!!!!
To cap off the year, I became an 'auntie.' Baby Kady made it safely into the world almost a month ago. Big congrats and kisses to Daddy Steve and Momma Linds! Only eighteen more years to go, guys! And Auntie has picked up the needles again to make lots of cute baby-type garments, so expect knitting updates fairly soon.
Farewell, 2005.
2006, we hope you'll be good to us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there Auntie! Good to finally see a new post! lol! Also congrats on making 2005 successful! Got any pics of baby and you?